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Multiple (in-law) marriages between two families
NoHusband Datoer WifeDatoer Gift stedDato
Type Sibling/Cousin/Person  Ektefelle/partner    
1Cornelius Angell        -1835 Elchen Margaretha Kielland 1758-1804 Stavanger Domkirke, Haakon VIIs gate 2, Stavanger, Rogaland, Norway1783
s-sAlbert Angell 1759-1834 Margaretha Maria Kielland 1760-1783
2Gabriel Johnsen Bie 1786-1842 Berte Gurine Kielland 1800-1835 Sokndal Gamle Kirke (til 1882), Sokndal Kommune, Hauge i Dalene, Rogaland, Norway1819
s-sChristopher Munthe Johnsen Bie 1802-1861 Tollene Giertine Bie 1807-1857 Sokndal, Sokndal Kommune, Hauge i Dalene, Rogaland, Norway1826
3Gabriel Kielland Hauge 1857-1940 Johanna Gustava Elisabeth Kielland 1865-1947 Fredrikstad Domkirke, Riddervoldsgate 5, Fredrikstad, Østfold, Norway1887
s-cGustav Johannes Hjalmar Alfred Hauge 1867-1928 Hildegard Kielland 1866-1962 Oslo, Norway1894
4Georg Johannes Hauge 1890-1966 Inger Natalie Mundt 1895- Rudkøbing Kirke, Kirkepladsen 1, Rudkøbing, Denmark1917
s-sOlaf Hauge 1893-1981 Asta Mundt 1898-1987 Rudkøbing, Denmark1919

The table records where two siblings, half-siblings or cousins have married siblings or cousins in a second family. It also records cases where one person has married two siblings or cousins.
s-s stands for sibling-sibling,
s-c for sibling-cousin,
p-s for same person-sibling,
p-c for same person-cousin,
s-h for sibling-half sibling, etc.

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